PSI Vol.8, No1 December 1984 Research news flash 2. pp.37-44.
-- ピラミッド効果及び高圧電場の水温低下に及ぼす影響 --
Experimental Studies on PSI Energy in the Pyramid Field, --Second report.
-- lnfluence of pyramid's effeds and high voltage electric field on the lowering of water temperature --
Akira Seto*, Eiichi Shinohara**

On retardation of evaporation of water and lowering of wafer temperature was discussed in the first report. This time we plan to elaborate on a relation the pyramid's effect and the influence of high voltage field.
ln a recent paper, Asakawa(1976) claimed that the vaporization of water is enhanced remarkably in an electric field: at 12°C, the rate increase by up to 40-50 times, (Nature vo1.26l May 20,1976). Thisphenomenon is called Asakawa's effect. However according to a recent study on Asakawa's effect, a new significant fact has cleared. The evaporation of water is promoted under electric field, but if once the water which was supplied with a high voltage field left the field, then the rate of evaporation of the water has been later than the control water which is out of the high voltage field.
ln the present paper, the authors try to attempt to measure water temperature under a high vol tage field using in a thermocouple with a microcomputer. The result was that in case of presence of electric field(20000V AC), the water temperature decreased 0.6°C at a maximum during the first 60 minutes, however this result seems to come of another reason which may be an innuence of heat vaporization.
0n the other hand, when once the water left the electric field, the temperature difference betweenthe water and the control was decreasing rapidly from -0.5°C to -0.1°C during the first 40 minutes. However since after 60 minutes, the temperature difference had been decreasing more slowly. Though after 4 days, the temperature was still 0.03°C lower than the control.
lf the water in pyramid left the field, the temperature difference was decreasing, however, it should be emphasized that though after 4 days the water temperature was still 0.03°C lower than the control. It is as a case similar to supplying a lhigh voltage field.
Although we cannot definitely conclude this,a relation can be observed between the pyramid's effect and the electromagnetic fields.
* The Psi Science Institute of Japan, Psi theoretical research Committee, Showa university faculty of Mediceine.
** The Psi Science Institute of Japan, Hokkaido branch
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