PSI Vol.8, No1 December 1984 Research news flash1. pp.34-36.
-- 特に水の蒸発速度の遅延と水温低下現象について --
Experimental Studies on PSI Energy in the Pyramid Field, --First report.
-- Retardation of evaporatin of water and lowering of water temperature --
Eiichi Shinohara*, Akira Seto**
The authors made an attempt to take 20ml of water in plastic container, and to put in pyramid
which was made of pure copper pipes 4mm in diameter, and of 16cm long and altitude 12.5cm long.
The result was that the complete evaporation of the inner pyramid water needed 8 hours longer than
the control water which was out of the pyramid, lt was the same result when the authors tried to set
up the same experiment with 50 ml water.
The water temperature in pyramid dropped 0.5°C-2°C than that of the control water. ln order to expect higher accuracy, we attempted to pile pipe frame pyramid double-nest or triple-nest. ln case of triple-nest the temperature was 17.3°C in case of double-nest the temperature was 17.5°C, and in cace of single pyramid the temperature was 17.8°C. The temperature of control water is 18.2°C on condition that it was measured at the same time.
lt is considered that the more pyramid pile, the stronger its shielding effed is. lt is suggsted that
the inside of pyramid seems to be filled with minus entropy.
* The Psi Science Institute of Japan, Hokkaido branch
** The Psi Science Institute of Japan, Psi theoretical research Committee, Showa university faculty of Medicine.