PSI Vol.6, No2 March 1982 English data 2 pp.34.
Hideo Seki

Those who wish to attain super power may do so by meditation and mind purification. A great deal has been written about meditation so that there is no need for further explanations. Kind purification may be attained by following the method described in the automatic writings of Master Kido (who has given the writer permission to publish them). These rules, handed down by the Creator, were dictated to him by an entity from the spilit world.

The method for mind purification consists of two basic principles which must be applied in daily life:
1) live each day in the following way: be strong, be righteous, be cheerful, be humble, abandon avarice, maintain harmonious friendships, and live in gratefulness.
2) eliminate all wrongful thoughts: eliminate hatred, jealousy,j aundice, envy, rage, anger, disatisfaction, discontent, doubt, bewilderment, anxiety, reproach, irritation, and restlessness.

Although some cases of ESP and PK may appear to those who have not first purified their minds such occurences may be of an abnormal or low nature. Therefore, those who experience these phenomena without living in accordance with these two principles may thereby eventually bring about a tragedy.

Recent studies in "Psi science" indicate that the aura surrounding the human body can be measured objectively by scientific instruments. Gifted sensitives are able to see the aura subjectively. Many kinds of auras surround us and fluctuate in accordance with our thoughts, emotions and physical condition. lt appears that low or evil thoughts contaminate the aura. 0nce the aura is contaminated, the prana or vibratory beam of the universal life force no longer enters thel body. 0n the other hand, When the prana enters the inner heart. (proportionate to the degree of meditation and thought purification) the super power which lies dormant in all of us and which more evolved cosmic intelligences have available for their use will be rediscovered by us and used for the greater good of all.

This phenomenon is applicable not only to the individual human being, but also to mankind as a whole-all 4 billion people living here on earth. lf mankind's thoughts are negative and destructive the upper layer of the atmosphere will become covered by an i---tsible contaminated layer. various natural disasters and abnormal weather conditions ---- occur until finally the path becomes one which leads to a destiny of destruction.

The universe as a whole is a giant information system since the souls of all individuals communicate not only with each other but also with spirits of a higher order. . . even though we are unaware of these activities. A "comon paraconciousnes" connects each part of this giant information system just as the parts of a computer are connected to each other. Once all have a super mind, the "life paraconciousnes" which connects all individulals through the common paraconciousness will begin to act. The people linked together in this network will enjoy a close web of communication for the intercharge of useful information which will heighten their mental abilities and enable them to achieve unlimited happiness.

Those who are ignorant of these realities will interpret the following haiku (17syllable poem) as death waittng for an old man who is worshipping the first sunrise of the New Year. Actually, "hatsu hi no de" means baptism by the warmth of the sun's rays. "Matan" has two meanings: "let us wait" or "hopeful morning" (matin in French). Of course, "kokoro araite" means thought purification and "asu" means tomorrow. The haiku's meaning as a whole is: "Even though a new day dawns, we can expect a hopeful sunrise in the next ---de only if we achieve super power by thought purification. "The writer's name is intentionally omitted.

Please copy these thoughts and give them to your friends. . . and you will find a measure of happiness will be given to you according to the degree of your good will.


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