PSI Vol.6, No2 March 1982 Thesis2. pp.13-18.
Effect of Target on Perception in Extra-RetinaI viewing or Clairvoyance (Part 2, Copy and Perception).
Shigemi Sasaki*, Hideo Haga**, Yuichi Hayase**, Yuji ogawa**, lchiro Maruyama**
Mr.H.Yamashita (the subject) is seated in a chair during test, being bandaged up his eyes by cotton towel. The target, a picture and/or a letter that is written by the experimenter, is copied by means of his clairvoyant ability.
(1) The workofcopying a target succeeds smoothly and accurately as if his eyes have not been blinded.
(2) But the color in a target intends to be inferior than the pattern in the accuracy. ln the case of that the target is taken away in the middle of his copying procedure, then he intends to take the wrong color in some parts of the rest. This seems tobe failing to copy from the memory under clairvoyance.
(3) ln the process of the test, sometimes the senses like as heat and stink in perception, precede the recognition of the target.
(4) When the target is only a group of letters and/or numbers, the mirror relation between the target and the copy happens.
(5) The results above mentioned are influenced by his mental conditions.
* PSI Research Committree, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
**; Member of PSI-energy Research Committee, The PS Institute of Japan