PSI Vol.5, No.1 August 1980 Thesis 2. pp.15-20.
Some Aspect of Nen-field as Paranormal phenomena
in the Daken Box during Nen-graphy Process. (Analysis of Wave Form, Part 2)

Shigemi Sasaki*, Yuji ogawa**

When the subject made Nen-graphy(Thought-graPhy) against a Sihcon-Photo-Diode(SPD, Solar battery) in a darken box, which was shielded from ligft, the output current as paranormal phenomena Produced in the SPD.The variation of outputcurrent wasrecorded dy means of Cathode-Ray-Tube(CRT, Phtography as a memory) and a high speed digital wave memory (chart record as a decelerated figure).
The output current always showed unstable, and included small and various changes in frequency. Most of the frequency of those variations were distributed between 2 HZ and 28 Hz except previous report as special values of 1.5 HZ or 100 HZ. The distribution of frequencies showed nearly normal distribution,and its most Probable value was about 6.5 HZ, and the noticeable value was 12 HZ. The higher the frequency was, the smaller the amplitude become. The duration of a certain frequency was not steady in this report. Although the analysis of those variation were complicated, but it seems to depend on the biological activity as well flow of bload of the subject (Mr.Masuaki Kiyota).
* PSI Research Committree, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
** Member of PSI-energy Research Committee, The PS Institute of Japan
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