PSI Vol.3, No 2 December 1978 Thesis 1. pp.3-6.
-- 種族としての『生命』および個体としての『生命』の尊重ならびにサイ情報系理論との連帯について --

農学博士 小牧久時
Dr. Hisatoki Komaki

Based on some philosophical reasons, l conclude that each man's each PIS (True Self) is immortal. It is, of course, doubtful that each animal possesses each PIS, but some of them may possesss the feeling of agony and conscionsness. So mankind must be merciful for them.
I conclude:
1. Even in the animal kingdom, the killing of mammals (animals possessing consciousness) is exceptional.
2. A meat-diet is uneconomic from the point of view of nutrition and food production. For, animals are the consumers of all essential nutrients, and the green plants are the producers of all of them. For example, as the definition itself shows, the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS the essential components of ANIMAL PROTEIN_can never be produced by animals (Carbohydrate, too. Fat, too. vitamins, too. Of course ‥‥‥).
3. The only role of cattle-breedig_in past days_was the biological concentration (not production!) of the nutrients of plant origin. Today, of course, we have more scientific methods for concentration of the nutrients of plant origin.
4. Famous biological scientists like Professor Dr. Munro Fox, England; Professor Dr. Paul Chauchard, of France, regard the cerebral system of animals except mammals, as a kind of mechanic system like an electronic computer, possessing no consciousness. Nobody, however, can conclude that fishes, birds or insects posses no consciousness. So... we, mankind, must stop the slaughter of mammmals right now ... and we must stop kilhng all kinds of animalsas soon aspossible.
Furthermore, l couclude:
1. "The Future Religion of Mankind" must possess a clear vision of and a concrete method for bringing about "Peace of All Living Things."
2. We, mankind, are NOT SINNERS but the happy (so, immortal) sons and daughters of the universal LIfe. Only through the promulgation of this Truth(the Future Religion of Mankind), will the Eternal Peace of All Living Things, induding mankind, be attained.
3. The Universal Life is not only the universal Law but also the universal PERSONA possessing the Infinite Love, Wisdom and Power. Therefore, the each True Self(the each PIS), of the each individual, must be completely happy, lovely and immortal.
4. Only these relgions, possessing the firm philosophical proofs of such truths, and, furthermore, possessing the effective method of the eomplete manifestation, or liberation, of the True Self, will occupy the main position in (or evolve into) "The Future Religion of Mankind", providing a vision and a method of realising "Peace of All Living Things."

稿了:June 24, 1978

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