PSI Vol.1, No2 September1976 Thesis 2. pp.16-17.
A Proposal for the Measurement of Psi SignaI velocity
Hideo SEKI (GravitationaI Wave Research Committee)

From the academic point of view, the velocity of gravitationalvvaves and Psi signals should be measured, but are still remained unknown now.The reason for the former is in the difficulty of generation and detection of them, while the latter is not so difficult to send and receive for the trained, experienced or innate people. However, the instant of Psi sending out is very difficult to determine, because of the subjective character of consciousness activity. Furthermore, the distance between the t wo points on earth is too short to have enough time to travel, thus making the results of measurements uncertain.
Now the situation has changed considerably by the soft landing of viking l on Mars. We have enough distance for measuring the velocity of telepathy signals with moderate accuracy. l would like to propose to use electromagnetic waves as one way signals and to use Psi as return way might be needless to mention now about electromagnetic waves. But as to the Psi signals, various methods may be considered. Among them, Miyauchi's thoughtgraphy detector is recommended first, then Backster effect and lastly "a hen and her chickens" method, which was ever used for psychotronics experiment in U.S.S.R.

Received : July 31, 1976

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