PSI Vol.1, No1 May 1976 Special contribution paper 2. pp.14.
イゲンスベルグス博士(翻訳 関英男)
High Voltage Photography
Dr. E. P. Igenbergs (Transrated Hideo Seki)
High voltage photography is a method or confrontation of electricity with human energy. By way of confrontation the following is aimed at:
a) either to find complete conformity of human energy with electricity
b) or to discover during the influence of human energy upon the electrical field effects, which cannot be produced with electricity and that therefore one has to conclude that human, i. e . bio-energy is different from electricity.
0nly then the question of "different in what way" would arise and of course, qualification, quantification and conditioning. During the shots with the 8 mm film we have with the help of the Del Nocta light intensifier (intens. 3500 times) taken 24 shots/second, which are shortly commented upon here.
At the same time slides have been made, which have a difinitely limited exposure time. 0ne can see at what
exposure time shots can be made which can be commented upon.
The efrects which have recurred again and again during
the films 1-19, can be summarized as fonows :
1. The corona has a basis - a geometrically precise oval aura.
2. Phantom - effect - distant discharges without connection to the corona. 0ne can also see chains of dischages, which have no connection to the corona either.
One can aiso see steady bunches without having a connection to the corona. 0ne could suppose that a connection exists, which, however, has not been registered by the emulsion of the film.
3. The important thing with high voltage photography is
that the effect of the deformation of the electrical field definetely and always occurs. This effeet is also
quite different from the deformation which has been observed since the so-called inichtenberg Effect of l777 which contributed to the investigation of lightning and which later led to the construction of the lightning conductor. Now, we have deformations which are generally dissimilar.
We have deformations, which show variations of the highest order. But, certain distinct features can be discerned :
a) basis - geometrical oval aura steadily bright
b) symmetrieal radiation
c) flash-discharges
d) radiation-bunches, permanent and reproduoible
e) phantom - distant radiation-bunches and chains
f) grating-effect with highly sensitive test persons, deformations in form of symmetrical grating- like patterns.
g) varying coronas with test persona
Since some of of these discharge-effects and predominantly flash - discharges, are qualities of the matter, it has to be assumed that bio-energy has similar qualities to that of electricity.
4. Added to the deformation effect comes the depolarisation This means that under the influence of the bio-energy on the electrical field effects occur, which should basically not happen with electricity alone. That is, when two coronas which are taken in one picture do not push themselves away, i. e. do not separate from each other. 0f electricity one knows that the field with plus or when both fields are charged, to be marked off. That is polarisation. When this does not happen and the coronas do not separate themselves off but unite, then depolarisation has been reached and we have an effect that qualifies bio-energy as something special, which is not identical with electricity anymore. This depolalisation has been reached repeatedly and attempts are made now to refute the doubts continually raised by physicists by pro-ditioning. Depolarisation, or plasma-bridge, whereby bio-energy is called 'plasma' and 'bridge' means the connection which has occurred, constitues in itself on object worth investigating. Why does it happen and why does it sometimes not? Can it be a sign of friendship od of similar thinking? The answers to these and other questions hane yet to be found.
5. With the coronas one observes also a disper sation of particles, which do not lead to the plasma-bridge.
The dispersation is partly recognizable as being aimed and partly not aimed (i. e. systematic). One could call the whole dispersation a kind of "subtle intuition".
An intuitive recoghition and understanding of the surroundings/immediate environment.
6. It has been shown that systematic thinking produced the following :
a) a symmetrical field with little flash-effect, but permanently reproducible brightness.
b) a raaiation-bunch can be placed away from the corona and remains on the same place from seconds, indepenaent of flash-effects.
7. Fields of dispersation particles also arise coming.from the radiation-bunches. This effect can aiso be observed at the simulation of effects with steel rivets.
8. During the shots of two different test persons one can observe that sometimes there are attempts being made to fors a plasma bridge. At first aimed particle-bunches occur, later bunch-like grippers towards the other corone. When the bridge does not form itself, the grippers retract.
9. Some coaditioniag effeots can already be commented upon:
a) the shots of the fingertips of one test person can show up whether they are more or less good conductors. Experience shows that being a good conductor ie the same as being sensitive.
b) For the structure of a plasma-bridge - depolarisation, test persons must be involved which have no basically differing views.
c) a shock,i.e. fear-effect can be discerned clearly.In our case it is simple fear of the electrical cathode, which at a function of l0 000V produces a ticking on the finger.
d) sensations of cold and warm can be discerned.
However, it cannot be said that these "sensations" are general and discernable with each person.
e) the basis-dischanrges, the geometrical ovals which have precisely measurable dimensions,lead us to a contact with number and measure. Thus, a contact to cybernetic thinking has been made.
f) The thought itself concentrates on the corona. At the moment research is being done on independent creative thinking. To what extent logistic practical thinking is reflected in the corona or how, for instance the learning process could be registered,is still a task of the future.
10. Up to now none or few attempts have been made to register medical facts. Up till now, anyway,"conscious thinking" and not "unconscious weakness, yet to be diagnosed" has bee registered, i.e. photographed.
11. A cybernetic code that functions again and again in the discharges is quite conceivable and possible. One could thus say that systematic, aimed thinking could produce a code which contains clear statements about physical weaknesses.
12. All this together constitutes the opening up for several paths for research. The essential thing now is to think over the practical possibilities of the results.
13. It should be mentioned that two parameters are being tested with radlations:
a) colur which has been repeatedly checked and singled out from the beginnings wlth the making of slides. It turned out that the quaatity of red colour, i.e. the width of the red shining field, is a sign for stronger ionisation. This means that where breader rea fields appear better conduct capability are being found. Better conduct capability means greater sensibility of the test person.
b) Speed of the dischanges in total, and also the different speeds within the shots of single test persons, as well as with shots of two persons simultaneously. This proble has not been solved yet. Technical equipment, combined with an electronic clock, which would allow precise registering, is still lacking.
Inconclusion it is to be stated that with the investigation of energetic radiation from the fingers of a human being, a new stage of human relations has begun. As soon as practicaly simple measureing instruments are available, much of what up to now has remained hidden and not to be admitted, will now - will even have to - come to light.
訳者注:この論文はPSIJ月報2号に報告したように1976年1月8日東京ヒルトンホテル526号室で、Dr. Igenbergs が多数のスライドと8mm映画を日本PS学会役員に示された際に提供されたものである。英文のSynopsisは、スライドとフィルムの具体的説明であり、和訳した部分は同氏のこの研究をはじめた動機や、研究の進め方についてのべてある。同氏は本会誌に発表されることを快諾されるとともに今後も随時ヨーロッパのサイ科学情報を下さることになっている。
The museum of kokoro science