PSI VoI.4, No.3 March 1980 Thesis 3. pp.20-23.
関英男 *

An outline
The method of studying psi phenomena may be considered in many ways. But, it is unexpectedly useful to consider all psi phenomena as a whole and to draw underlying principle behind them. From thi8 standpoint, an improvement of the classification table of all psi phenomena was undertaken by the author since 1970. He published the first table on 12 July, 1973. It was revised several times since then. The latest one has been published on the "PSI JOHO", the popular Journal of our PS lnstitute of Japan.
Speaking of the classification table, Dr. Rhine has studied the following fields of parapsychology (1) as: -

L parenthesis 32 ESP L parenthesis 321 telepathy
322 precongnition
323 clairvoyance
331 PK L parenthesis 3311 PK-MT
3311 PK-ST
3312 PK-LT

where the numerical figures were added redundantly so as to compare with the author's table. AS the readers may notice, parapsychology thus classified includes only the psi phenomena which are taken place between the minds of one human and another human or physical objects through some, being in the psi world, which the athor would like to call "psi information system" (designated as ψ in the table). Furthermore, according to his opinion, the parapsychology has another phase of phenomena which occur between specified human being and the psi information system. So 31 was added under the heading of (3), which includes 311 revelation, 312 autosuggestion, 313 automatic writing; glossolalia; xenoglossy; mutiple personality, 314 subjective ghost and 315 biofeedback.
At the Second lnternational conference on Psychotronics in Monaco, the definition of "psychotronics" was given(2),1.e.
"a science which in an interdisciplinary fassion studies fields of interaction between people and their environment both internal and external and energetic process involved. Psychotronics recognizes that matter, energy and consciousness are interrelated. The study of this interconnectioltributes to the new understanding of the energetic capablilties of the human being like processes and matter in general."
Though l would not like to discuss more in detail, the study fields of psychotronics seems to be similar to that of parapsychology with very little nuance.
The author would like to point out again more important fields which were not implied in parapsychology or psychotronics. The phenomena can occur without the intentional mind of human being. He classified them into (1) Physical and (2) Biological phenomena. According to his hypothesis, these phenomena can occur under the influence of ψ information systems, though the latter are not limited to une kind in their complexity and in the degree of sophistication. ln the past, more of these phenomena were treated in the fields of psychic research as the phenomena due to the spirits of dead people. However, there are many phenomena which were orere originated by the ψ information systems of higher order. 141 and 211 are two examples. 0n the other hand, ψ information systems of the lower order also cause some phenomena which were not taken up in psychical research. 132 and 213 belong to this category, ln short, (1) and (2) include more than the fields of socalled psychics.
Finaly, in classifying 33 PK, energy and information were conveniently used, in soite of no purely energy-oriented nor purely information-oriented PK phenomena being existea. For example, 331 energy means that energy-orientation is rlatively larger than information-oriantation and vice versa for 332. Some symbols in the table may need explanations as follows: -
A: active person of psi phenomena
B: passive person of psi phenomena
C: passive living things of psi phenomena
D: passive inanimate object of psi phenomena
ψ : psi information system
EMA: Electro-Magnetic Association
BTA: Biological Transmutation of Atom
143: mysterious disappearance (to be spirited away at one place and to appear at another place)
221: weight decrease due to extraction of ektoplasm
222: weight deorease at the moment of death
231: health and happiness by mind setting and ethical practicing
242: birthmark or malformation to prove former life
3321: Inanimate objects (thoughtgrapby; thoughtscript )

 a. 分類表作製の経緯
 筆者はこの表についてハワイ大学当時から構想を練り、帰国するとすぐ「情報科学」誌1973年4月号に発表した。それとほゞ同じものを電通大西II号館6階会議室における同年7月12日の小会合で発表した。実は前記「サイ情報」の創刊号に発表したものはこれを大巾に改良したつもりのものであった。 それでもまだ、すっきりしない所が残っていた。その後ずっと考察を続け、とうとう今度は完璧に近いものができ上がったような気がしている。結局前後約10年の歳月を費やしたことになる。そこで折角の機会だから、外国の同好の士に示すつもりで英文の内容梗概を多少長めに書いてみた。
 b. 超心理学のそれとの比較
L parenthesis 32 ESP L parenthesis 321 テレパシー
322 予知
323 透視
331 PK L parenthesis 3311 PK-MT(運動体に作用)
3311 PK-ST(静止体に作用)
3312 PK-LT(生物に作用)

 c. 心霊科学の位置づけ
 d. 二三の注意
 e. むすび

(1)Interview: Dr.J.B.Rhine, Psychic Vol. III,
  N0.6, July 1972, pp.7-34
(2)Stanley Krippner: Psychotronic and
  the Study of Human Personality, read at
  the Second ICPR, Monte Carlo, Monaco
  1975 「サイ科学」創刊号に全訳掲載
(3)板屋 樹、宮沢虎雄:霊魂の世界、心霊科学入門
  日本心霊科学協会発行 (1971.3.25)
* Dr. Hideo Seki. The author is with Tokai University and a Professor at the Takanawa College campus.

The museum of kokoro science