サイ科学Vo1,26 No.1p.24-26 DEC. 2004 1)
橋本 健(Kenn,HASHIMOT0)
(Invention of PSI-Meter, 4D-Meter & Alphacoil)
1948年 東京大学電気工学科卒業
1955年 富士電工株式会社入社
- サイメーター(PSI Meter):超能力測定器、サイメーター、超心理学実験器
The PSI Meter is an apparatus used to test and measure psychlc abilty in the forms of psychokinesis (PK) and/or extrasensory perception (ESP). Each sequence of the psychic ability test is done by pressing a key to stop altemating current. Depending upon the moment the key is pressed, there is a 50% chance that the circuit is carrylng cither positve (+) or negative(-) electrical current, which causes thc PSI Meter's indicator needle to move either to the right or the left.
Using ESP cards or other traditional devices, psychic studics can be easily manipulated through tricks.
However, manipulation of the PSI Meter is lmpossible.
Furthermore,accurate,reliable and valid results can be expected. Now a computer emulation of the PSl meter ls possible through a program developed by the author.
This progam also calculates and analyzes the accumulated results.
This calculation and analysis part of the program was used to calculate results of past expenments,and it revealed that some of the results were statistically significant.
0ne example is the analysis of the folloving study:
While going through three days of fasting, a female subject vas tested using the PSI Meter.
Each test consisted of l00 attempts. Day 1 had a 60 out of 100, positive result; Day 2 had a 70 out of 100 positive result; and Day 3 had an 80 out of 100 positive result.
The program revealed that a coincidcntal happening of an 80 out of 100 positive result is
0,000000098% ; in other words, the chance of this happening in a natural seting is 9.8
in l0,000,000,000.
- 自分の念力は強い!と自信を持った人がやると良い成績を上げる事が多い。
- 普通の人でも断食をするとか、感激をするとか、精神が高まった時、素晴らしい成績を上げる事がある。
- アルファコイル(Alphacoil)
The museum of kokoro science
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