PSI Vol.33,No.1 December 2011 Thesis 2. pp.3-19.
「ミツバの種子の発芽に及ぼすDC・AC 混合磁場処理水の効果」
小林 正典*, 宇野 雄大*, 祖田 直也*, (* 茨城大学)
Effects of Water Treated by the Combined DC and AC Magnetic Fields on Germination
of Hornwort Seeds
Masanori Kobayashi*, Yudai Uno*, Naoya Soda*, (* Ibaraki University)
This paper is considered as the one related with the ‘memory of water’ for letting the information be the AC magnetic field being the factor of the influence on the germination of the seeds. Seeds of hornwort(Cryptotaenia japonica Hassk) were exposed to sinusoidally time-varying extremely low frequency(ELF) magnetic fields( B
) in combination with the DC magnetic fields B
:these exposures were called S( B
, B
). Exposure lasted 24 h/day for 16 days. The AC magnetic fields( B
) of frequency 7 Hz and magnetic flux density 75 µT were exposed in parallel to the horizontal direction of the local geomagnetic field. The local geomagnetic field( B
) of 50 µT has the horizontal component of 32 µT and the vertical component of 38 µT . The DC magnetic fields were considered with two cases: the B
in its total geomagnetic field direction and the zero magnetic field cancelled out the B
by using the other DC magnetic field of 50 µT in the opposite direction. Controls consisted of seeds exposed in zero AC magnetic fields in the combination with the B
. Two kinds of water, the local tap water and the distilled water, were used to add on a regular basis to keep three filter papers placed with 100 seeds damp. Those adding water on the regular basis were exposed to the combined DC and AC magnetic fields independently in advance S( B
, B
) to seeds: these exposures for water were called W( B
, B
). Experiments were performed for five cases of W(50,75)S(50,75), W(50,75)S(50,0), W(0,75)S(0,75), W(0,75)S(50,0), and W(50,0)S(50,0). The W(50,75)S(50,75) and W(50,75)S(50,0) effectively promoted the germination of hornwort seeds. The W(0,75)S(0,75), and W(0,75)S(50,0) suppressed the germination of hornwort seeds. These results are meaningful ones because effects of the ion cyclotron resonance arise with mutually parallel DC and AC magnetic fields. The present paper explains for the first time that the water treated by the combined DC and AC magnetic fields acts, for effects of magnetic fields on the germination, more important role than the exposures of those magnetic fields to seeds in the germination stage. The effects of the magnetic field treatment waters in the influence on the germination of seeds have the great difference between the cases of B
= 0 and B
. This paper concludes that the ‘memory of water’ comes to oneself in the cases of the local tap water in letting the information be the AC magnetic field.
Keywords : magnetic field treatment water, combined DC and AC magnetic field, frequency 7Hz, subtle energy, Hornwort seeds
Received : June, 18, 2011
Accepted : July, 12, 2011
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