PSI Vol.24, No1 December 2002 an Outline pp.2-8.
Concerning the Accelerated Learning and Skill Development Method for Children
Makoto Shichida*
We all have two channels for directing our abilities: the left and the right channels. Although there are many different types of ability, including learning, sports and self-healing, this paper will examine memory.
The memory consists of a right-brain and a left-brain memory and they are distinctly separate. Left-brain memory is slow-speed while right-brain memory is high-speed.
The two are also clearly distinguished by their function: the left-brain memory stores language-related information while the right-brain memory stores images. Anatomical research has shown that the left hemisphere of the brain governs linguistic memory while the right hemisphere governs image memory (Yamashima, 1991).

Key words : right-brain memory, high-speed memory domain
Accepted : November 20, 2002
*Please ask an author's contact to a secretariat.

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