PSI Vol.22, No1 August 2000 Thesis 3. pp.21-29.
張 春生 (中国人体科学研究院)
胡 風霞 (中国人体科学研究院)
岩田 昇 (大一テクノ)
Effects of Artificial Qi Regulated with Zero‐magnetic Field and a Crystal on Plants
*Shigemi SASAKI (Japan Technology Transfer Association)
Chunsheng ZHANG (The Chinese Academy of Somatic Science)
Fengxia HU (The Chinese Academy of Somatic Science)
Noboru IWATA (The DAI-ICHI Techno Co.)
An artificial Qi accumulator, composed of non-inductive coils, a crystal and a magnet was manufactured and the effects of radiated Qi energy on plants were examined.
(1) wheat plants were radiated with artificial Qi emitted when electric signals of three different waveshapes
were sent through swirledn on-inductive coils at six varying lengths of time. lt was found that the artificial Qi
had different effects on wheat shoots and roots, i. e.,a growth accelerating effect on shoots and a grouth
arresting effect on roots.
(2) The growth of the affected wheat shoots was accelerated by 0 to + 30%and the growth of the affedted wheat roots was arrested by 0 to -10% on the average, compared with the growth rate of the control group.
(3) The artificial Qi accumulator made with a crystal and a magnet in addition to non-inductive coils was used
and artmcial Qi was emitted when two kinds of electric signals were sent at two varying length of time. The effects of artificial Qi were more evident and the difference between the two opposing effects was greater.
(4) When rice plants were radiated with artincial Qi by the equipment, similar effects were observed on their
shoots and roots, with the grouth rate accelerating by +30% to +50%on the average.
(5) Rice plants radiated directly with artinciaI Qi by the equipment were compared with the rice plants soaked
in radiated water that was generated fron the equipment. lt was found that the effects of artificiaI Qi on the rice plants were the same in both cases.
Key words : crystal, artificial Qi, zero-magnetic field, non-inductive coil, rice plant.
Received : February 28, 2000
Accepted : April 5, 2000
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