PSI Vol.20, No1 April 1998 Thesis 3. pp.22-33.
Is Brain a Quantum Computer ?
Sumio Baba*
There are two kinds of mathematical problem, -the "Pproblem" and the "NP problem"-
Let us define n as the depth of the problem. ln order to analyze the "P problem", the information processing increases in proportion to n,n2, n3, ...and so on, it is comparatively simple. 0n the other hand, to analyze the "NP problem" , the information processing increases in proportion to an , n!,...and so on, if n gets slight bigger, it can not be solved by "Neumann computer" . But in "quantum computer" , the "NP problem" can be solved by the same quantity of information processing and the same time required as the "P problem" , If we regard the "brain" as a"quantum computer", it may be possible to explain the"flash of genius" and the ESP - - the "Clairvoyance", the "Precognition" ,...and so on.
Key words : P problem ,NP problem, quantum computer , tree of game, Everett's theory of parallel world