PSI Vol.18, No1 July 1996 Thesis 2. pp.35-46.
ー スーパーサイバネティックス ー
Control and Communication in the Cosmos
- Super-Cybernetics -
Contributing to the PSIJ 20th Anniversary
Hideo Seki*
The author has recently learned to the idea to regard the cosmos as a kind of most superior living organism, situated at the center of the universe. Let me call it as a Cosmic Creator,a cosmic center, a computer center, or simply as CC. CC is situated at about 1023 light years (about 1041cm) away. Modern astronomy considers the width of the universe to be 18 billion light years (about 1028cm). However, the author's estimation of it is about 1044cm, or 1016 times larger than that of the modern science. As the CC is situated at the center of the universe, there may be another cosmos in the universe. But the content of this paper will be limited only to our cosmos. The CC in the cosmos may be considered as our brain in our body, while its communication system corresponds to our nervous system and its CE (Cosmic Energy) circulation system corresponds to our blood circulation system. Considering these situations, the cosmos as a whole should be treated by the cybernetics, rather than simple communication system.
As pointed out by Norbert Wiener in his book "Cybernetics" (1948), each part of the body is directly or indirectly controlled by the central nervous system and its results are fed back to the brain through the nervous system. The paper consists of the following sectlons -
1. Introduction
2. Classification of the cosmic waves.
3. Some Features of the Cosmic systems
4. General ldea of Super-Cybernetics
5. Some Applicable Examples of Super-Cybernetics
6. Concluding Remarks and Acknowledgments
The most remarkable point in the application of cybernetics to the cosmo-feedback system may be an extremely shorter time for signal transmission through space to the CC than our nervous system, in spite of the giant path. This difference comes from the use of psi waves instead of electromagnetic waves. Application of effector signals may also be sent from CC or some intermediate gods by psi waves. Otherwise, the necessary time for transmission may be billions of years or more, because the light velocity is very slow. The new word "Super-Cybernetics" was coined because of this difference. Now, the idea of psi waves is not familiar among the orthodox scientists. lt must be remembered that the most kind of psi waves have higher frequencies and faster travelling speed than conventional electromagnetic waves. ln the field of supercybernetics, there may be found many supernatural phenomena. The readers of this paper may fully understand that they are happened by the cosmo-feedback loop and then notice the importance of mind purification which brings to the mankind real happiness and health.