PSI Vol.17, No2 December 1995 Thesis 4. pp.25-32.
ー 本会創立20周年記念日に捧ぐ ー
CE Circulation System
‐Contributing to the PSIJ 20th Anniversary -
Hideo Seki
lt is generally accepted by most of us that almost all the stars are emitting light or radio waves, because the astronomy has developed relying on the optical or electronic leans of observations. But, is it true? lf so, it may almost be impossible to study even spending billions of years for studying the stars billions of light years away.
The author believes that all the stars are emitting CE(COSMIC ENERGY) Waves and they can arrive instantly to our side where the CE is converted to light energy by passing throgh WIB(WAVE INTERFERENCE BELT). So, we can look the stars, at least, within severa seconds.
The function of CE circulation system was fully explained in this paper. The CE is delivered to the individual stars from the CIE(COSMIC INFORMATION AND ENERGY) Center by extremely high frequency and high speed CE waves throgh some relay stations. A part of the CE is converted into the form of conventional heat and light waves just befor reaching on the surface of the planet and the remaining CE will be stored in the form of excited particles on the planet.The characteristic CE emission waves of each planet are composed of the re-radiation from these excited particles and the thought waves or psi waves from the invisible frains of its inhabitants.
Light and radio waves are too slow to travel throgh the universe extending tens of billions of light years. However, the CE waves with frequencies over 1030Hz are unable to travel through the same medium as the conventional one where the light waves could.
But, they pass through more subtle mediums than before with higher velicities over 1040 cm/s and they may be converted into conventional light at WIB just before reaching on the surface of individual stars.
This theory may even be applied to our solar system. The traditional science tells us that the sun light may reach us in 600 seconds, while the new theory says that it takes only 9 seconds, because the time necessary for travelling between sun's surface and WIB around us is negligibly small as compared to the time necessary for the light between WIB and our ground.
The most favorable advantage of such CE circulation system is in keeping at comfortable temperature and light intensties for all kinds of life living on the planet, independent of its distance from the CE source.
For the actual case of Earth, WIB is extended over at about the height of seven lunar distances. In the actual case of the Sun, the size of WIB is not known at present. ln spite of the giant CE energies, its surface is believed to be at miled temperature by proper supply of CE energy from its master star and by the interference with its own CE radiation.
Roughly estimated numerical data on each part of the CE circulation system were shown throughout the paper.