PSI Vol.17, No1 July 1995 Thesis 4. pp.26-41.
About the scienctific relations between the spiritual world (a second conjugated world) and special theory of relativity.
Jirou Shinagawa
Special theory of relativity is a very strange theory. Since this theory was born, almost one century has passed , however; cause of this strangeness is yet behind the mysterious curtain. Dr.C.Miller asserted that students must not have any question about the cause of Lorentz contraction in his famous textbook <The theory of relativity>, recommending to give up an intention of search for truth of this problem.The most scientists of present day have the trend of materialistic thought fundamentally.For this reason,they could not see into the truth of nature. We were successful to reveal the secrets of Lorentz
contraction, by introducing a second conjugated world's equations, consequently.
Perhaps, most scientists will ignore such a concept of spiritual world, considering that it will be out of scientific category. More than 30 years ago, however, Heisenberg & Pauli refered in their paper <About the isospin group in the theory of elementary particles.>, concerning probability of existence of a
second conjugated world. Problem of "second world"is not out of science. We have discovered two blind spots of relativity theory, introducing second world through complex electro-magnetic law,i.e. <reversedly screwed electro-magnetic fields>, and brought the difficult problems of <time and space>to light.
Furthermore, we could guess the existence of fact that there must be hidden uncertainty principle behind the Lorentz factor.
Key words : Lorentz fading, Normal vs. reversedly screwed EM fields, & Synonymous space & time,
pseudovector, Immanent local time of co-ordinate.
Received : May 18, 1995
Re-received : June 4, 1995