PSI Vol.17, No1 July 1995 Thesis 2. pp.10-19.
PSI Meter Emulation Software
Ken Hashimoto, Ph.D.
Japan Para-Science lnstitute

The author describes a computer program to emulate the PSI Meter (parapsychological testing apparatus) and gives the results of some experiments.
The PSI Meter is an apparatus used to test and measure psychic ability in the forms of psychokinesis (PK) and/or extrasensory perception (ESP). Each sequence of the psychic ability test is done by pressing a key to stop alternating current. Depending upon the moment the key is pressed, there is a 50x chance that the circuit is carrying either positve(+)or negative( - )electrical current,which causes the PSI Meter's indicator needle to move either to the right or the left.
Using ESP cards or other traditional devices,psychic studies can be easily manipulated through tricks. However, manipulation of the PSI Meter is impossible. Furthermore, accurate, reliable and valid results can be expected. Now a computer emulation of the PSl meter is possible through a program developed by the author. This program also calculates and analyzes the accumulated results.
This calculation and analysis part of the program was used to calculate results of past experilents, and it revealed that some of the results were statistically significant.
0ne example is the analysis of the following study: While going through three days of fasting, a female subject was tested using the PSI Meter. Each test consisted of 100 attelpts. Day2 had a 60 out of 100 positive result; Day 2 had a 70 out of 100 positive result; and Day 3 had an 80 out of 100 positive result. The program revealed that a coincidental happening of an 80 out of 100 positive result is 0.000000098%; in other words, the chance of this happening in a natural setting is 9.8 in 10,000,000,000.

Received : April 15,1994
Corrected : May 15, 1994

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