PSI Vol.16, No1 December 1993 Thesis 2. pp.7-16.
Mind is lnseparable, Brain ls Separable
Sumio Baba
lmagine the state that a brain was devided into 14 billions of neurons, and each neurons given artificially the same environment as when all neurons were interlacing together. Then, this brain doesn't know that he was devided. Though the brain is devided into 1027~ 1028 of the elementary particles, we come to the same conclusion.
lf the mind is nothing but the function of the brain, we must conclude that these 1027~ 1028 of struggling elementary particles are even now accompanied with one mind. lt is wrong evidenty. So, we know the fact that the mind cannot be made from the brain only, and there is the " soul" which is the non-material substance.

Received : October 22,1992
Re-received : August 1, 1993

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