PSI Vol.12, No1 August1989 Thesis 2. pp.15-24.
佐々木茂美* 、小林泰樹* *
Some lnvestigations on Electro-PhysiologicaI Nature of Human Body during Qi Gong Experiment
Shigemi K. Sasaki*, Taiju Kobayashi* *

Measurements of human information system were carried out each for three "Qi Gong-healers" more than seven times in an electrical shield room kept in ordinary atmosphere. Three fadors were measured, one is the electric potential oscillation measured by electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment, second is the micro-vibration (MV) or minor tremor (MT), which was produced on one's palm skin, measured by an accelaration type vibration, pick-up, third is the electric current measured on skin surface by giving 0.5 volt D.C.
Measurements were carried out for three parts: brain, acupoints,and non-acupoints of skin, and the acupoints were observed on twenty points(Seiketsu)of both hands and feet. The results were as follows.
(1) While Qi Gong healers were ejecting Qi energy out of their hands or body, both current difference of left acupoint and right one, and standard deviation of scattered values of electric current on meridian system (BP: current at 3〜5 μsec) decrease gradually. 0n the contrary, those of autonomic nervous system (AP: current at 1.0msec) increase gradually. Thatis,the variation of meridian system tends to be balanced and that of autonomic nervous system tends to be unbalanced during ejection of Qi energy.
(2) The current on meridian system by doing Qi Gong without consdous concentration increases, butthe current on autonomic nervous system decreases or increases, which depends on one's body condition.
Frequency characteristics of brain waves, electric potential oscillation on acupoints and non-acupoints measured on skin surface by EEG equipment were analyzed by computer, and then displayed on the power spedrum as Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)analysis. The results were as follows.
(3) When QiGong being advancing, the power spectrum peak of alpha waves on brain waves (EEG) disappears,on the contrary the power of beta waves and theta waves tends to increase. That is, relaxation and stress on body and mind comes to be going on at the same time.
(4) While Qi energy being ejected, the frequency ranges of skin micro-vibration(MV),skin electric potential oscillation(SPA), and brain waves(EEG)considerably expanded, and those power values increase extremely at some time, it seems that the whole body is on the state of activations.
Consequently,while QiGong-healers are ejecting Qi energy, their meridian system tends to be balanced, on the other hand their brain and skin indines to be stressed.

Received : April15, 1989
Re-received : July 15, 1989
* PSI Research Committee, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
* * Member of PSI-energy Research Committee,
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