PSI Vol.8, No1 December 1984 Thesis 3. pp.21-24.
Ken Hashimoto

The Alpha Coil was invented as a device to enhance the production of alpha waves by the human brain. Through the use of this device, people may regain their composure, receive inspiration, and insure a peaceful life. Fortune smiles on users of the Alpha Coil, and it, produces a clear and inspired mind.
But the effeds of this device are not only spiritual. The Alpha Coil also has the ability to make one healthy and can cause even the most chronic illness to disappear; including those maladies which medical science finds so difficult to conquer. 0nce physical constitution is restored to a healthy state, one's work becomes more productive, leading to great success and wealth.
Currently, it is known that by use of the "Bio-feed back-device", one's brainwave can be determined if it is on the Alpha Condition (8-12Hz).
The desire of human beings is boundless. People have tried to in fuse alpha waves from the outside without making use of the Alpha Condition through their nlental powers only. lt seems possible to create the same condition by infusing the same cycle of voltage true to the Alpha Condition with ordinjry brain waves. With this intention in mind, l created a donut shaped coil and attached it to an 8 Hz pulse generator.

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