PSI Vol.4, No 1 September 1979 Thesis 3. pp.18-22.
Experimental Application of SALT Method to the Large Number of TechnologicaI Students
Hideo SEKI

This paper deals with the suggestopedic experiment carried out at Tokai university during past several months. However, method and the results are unique in several points as compared with the current studies. Firstly, SALT method was not apphed in our case to the linguistic education. lt was used for enhancing the effectiveness of lectures on "lnformation Processing Thechnology".
Secondly, the number of students in the classr oom was unusually large or 180. This is in contradict with the condition of small size class in orthodox SALT method. Thirdly, special signals were used so as to synchronize breathing and,at the same time,for bringing brain waves of most students to alpha state by mixing 100 Hz soundsas apart of the signals. Fourthly, the cotrol group dasswasnot estabhshed for the comparison with the experimental group. lnstead, two sets of problems were selected for one examination sheet. 0ne set induded questions from SALT lessons and the other was consisted of questions selected from conventional lectures. The SALT method was apphed only twice during 12 times of lessons. Such educational program was developed by Gritton and Benitez-Bordon as Americanized suggestopedia or SALT in lowa public junior high school. But the method of evaluating effectiveness was developed by the present auther. Fifthly, no text was used in carrying out SALT lessons. 0n the eontrary, sufficient audiovisual devices in the classroom wereused during the active and passive sessions in SALT.
Many interesting results were deduced from the statistical evaluations of the examination scores, e. g. effect of suggestions or music upon the male and female students, as well as those upon Tokyo residents and the graduates from country-wide high schools except Tokyo area.ln general, the scores of examination were improved to 16 to 18 from 10, assuming full mark to be 30.
* The auther is with the Tokai University and is now a Professer at Takanawa College Campus.
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