PSI Vol.3, No 3 March 1979 Thesis 2. pp.13-21.
小川雄二 *、佐々木茂美* *
Examinations of Paranornlal Phenomena with PSI-spots during Nen-graphy (Thought-graphy) Process by Means of TV-Vidicon-Tube.(The Second Report)
Yuji Ogawa *, Shigemi Sasaki * *

The dynamic behavior of Nen,field as a paranormal phenomena during Nen-graphy process has been detected by means of the vidicon, which is shielded against light, and it was recorded with Video Tape Recorder.
(1) A PSI-spots A as amoving spot was a typical example of the dynamic characters of Nen-field which consisted of several number of PSI-spots. lt had a circular shape, movedaround the center of the scanning regain, and its strength (brightness) was relatively stronger than others. 0ther spots were subordinately and looked like nearly fixedness, but the behaviors among these PSI-spots had some regularity.
(2) Movement of the PSI-spot A looked like complex and random, but the path (track figure)of PSI-spot A consisted of some simple movenlents which traced straight lines, curves, parts of acute and obtuse angles. Few of the paths by PSI・spot are thesarne. Frepuently the PSI-spot A turned round to the left and the right, but these a rotational direction did not follow rule and had not any special feature.
(3) The velocity of the PSI-spot A had a tendency to vary pulsely. The PSI-spot A which appeared under high speed states of velocity at first, next moved about under relatively low speed, and then disappeared under denelerator states. The velocity of the PSI-spot A distributed between 0.1〜8mm/sec, and its average was l.8mm/sec. Most of frequent state of velocity was 0.6〜1.0mm/sec. But occasionally the PSI-spot A paused to move for an instant (it was within 0.6 sec), and the time of these rest state occupied about 10% of the whole time for which the PSI-spot A was observed. Most of parts of these rest states had a tendency to exist on the point of turning its course, or near it.
(4) The straight of the PSI・spot A had a tendency to vary, and it was weak and nearthe threshold level of detection. There was not any rule between the strength and the velocity, but from the standpoint of the cyclic change, often, its one cycle, weak-strong-weak, tended to correspond with two cycle od velocity change. Most of positions of stronger state existed about the turning part on the paths, end rarely it existed on the straight hne of the paths. From the point of view of the scanning region these positions deitributed widely at random.

Received : Febuary 15, 1979
* Member of PSI-energy Research Committree, The PS Institute of Japan * * PSI Research Committree, The Univ. of Electo-Comm. (Denki Tsushin Univ.), Chofu, Tokyo 182
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