PSI Vol.3, No 1 June 1978 Thesis 2. pp.11-19.
TranspersonaI Model of the Suggestopaedic Class from the Standpoint of Communication Theory
Hideo Seki

A model which may beconvenient forconsidering various aspects of suggestopedia from the standpoint of com munication theory was proposed. By arranging the communication channel extending from the thaecher's brain to the student's memory and assuming proper frequency bandwidth as well as psychological signal to noise ratio, the mechanism of enhanced memory in suggestopedia was reasonably explained in some degree. Apart from the so-called engineering communication theory, psychological signal to noise ratio was defined still by refering the famous formula of Shannon's information theory.
The auther speculated the frequency bandwidth ofneural network inourbrain to be about 80 Hz and by so assuming, psychological signal to noise ratio has been estimated to be about 50 in the best case so far, while it's less than 0.1 under the conventional learning states. Then the auther, by so reasoning, concluded that the anti-suggestive barrier hindering the memory might be the psychological noise current circulating along the consciousness loop in the brain. The six factors contributing to enhanced momory i.e. authority, infantilization, double planeness, intonation,rhythm and concert pseudo-passivity are all explained by the effects of suppression of these psychological noise currents.
As an inter-related theme, the differences among the features of suggestopedia, sleep and hypnosis were briefly discussed. Finally, the necessity of introducing the idea of subliminal informations besides the real informations so as to explain completely the entropy increase in our world was stressed.

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