PSI Vol.1, No1 May 1976 Speech draft pp2-4.
スタンレー・クリップナー博士* *
Psichotronics and the Study of Human Personality*
Dr. S. Krippner* *

For many years, traditional science has ignored psychotronics. This situation is especially apparent in the field of psychology which purports to scientifically study the entire range of behavior. However, phychotronic ability appears to permeate the total human personality; any behavioral science which ignores psychotronics must be considered to be incomplete and inadequate (Kripppner & Murphy, 1973).
We may consider psychotronics to be an interdisciplinary scientific study of interactions among living organisums and their enviroment (including other organisms) for which current scientific models give no satisfactory explanation. Examples of "input" forms of psychotronic ability would be telepathy, claivoyance, and precognition. The "output" form of psychotronic ability would be psychokinesis. There are several types of psychotronic phenomena which may represent combinations of the "input" and "output" forms; these would include dowsing, psychotronic doagnosis, and psychotronic hearing (Vasiliev, 1965).
The manifestation of psychotronic ability can be observed early in a person's life. The psychiatrist Jan Ehrenwald (19549 has suggested that the relationship between a mother and her baby may provide the "cradle" for telepathy, clairvoyance, and other psychotronic abilities.
An example of this phenomenan has been given by L. E. Rhine (1961). A woman reported awakening her husband one night, telling him of a horrifying dream. The Dream took place in their baby's bedroom. In the dreem, the husband on the clock pointed to 4:35. At that moment, a large ornamantal chandelier fell from the celling and crushed the baby to death. The woman's husband larghed at the story and criticized them to the baby's bedchamber. The chandelier had fallen on the baby's empty crib. The clock on the dresser showed the time to be 4:35.
The autobiographical writings of "psychic sensitives" contain addtional of value to the investigation of psychotronic development over the course of human life. Ingo Swan (1975) recalls having clairvoyant experiences as a young boy in which he would feel as if he were "fluing" to distant locations. Eileen Garrett (1968) has recalled how she was a "nuisance" as a child because she could tell when people were lying and when they were telling truth. She stated (1970), "As I look back now, I smile over the things I did, but then I was living in a world nobody else understood." When her uncle died, Garrett felt a great loss. However, a few weeks later, he seemed to apper in her room. She later stated (1970):
I was surprised at his appearance of hearth. Since before his death he had seemed feeble and worn. But he appeared young, erect, and strong . . . It had a terrible impact on me. Yet I know when I saw something, I had really seen it . . . This, I suppose is what hardened me and gave me a sence of myself.
Later, Garrett was able to develop trance mediumship and to speak in different voices. These voices, or "controls," gave themselves names such as Uvani and Abdul Latif. Garrett (1968) acknowledged that the "controls," may have been split-offs of her own personality, yet they often produced information of a presumably psychotronic nature.
. . .
* A paper prepared for the Second lntemational Congress on Psychotronic Reseafch, Monte Carlo,Monaco,June 30-July 4,1975.
** IAPRの初代副会長 西側地域代表

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